Gone But Never Forgotten

Honoring the cherished memories of beloved pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge.

Whiskey Cook, 17 years old.

Rescued by Dr. Alana at age 2 in Williams Lake, BC, he found his forever home at her mother’s house where he was spoiled for 15 long years. He was named Whiskey but called “fat man” by the family because all he ever wanted to do was eat and snuggle. He was the most innocent and kind little dog. He would not have hurt a fly, but he was often a troublemaker as he would escape the yard and go wandering. He never did figure out how to get home but when you found him he would be super excited.

Whiskey suffered from stage 4 kidney disease for many years and lost his eye to a degenerative condition in his last year. Through medicine and excellent care from Manzini Animal Hospital and Courtenay Veterinary Hospital, he was able to live a comfortable and happy life with his pet parent until it was time for him to cross the rainbow bridge. Goodbye Mr.Whisk, we will all miss you.

Rio, 12 years old.

From his pet parents: “As we were never able to have children, it is difficult to describe how much Rio meant to us. He was a comedian and an acrobat that could have gone on stage with Cirque de Soleil. He must have loved to hear folks laugh and applaud, as his entire repertoire was his own. His moves, stances, vocals, and show times were all his. We did not train him to perform those tricks. The vibrant joy he filled our life with is painfully missed.”

From Dr. Alana Symington: “Rio was a real trooper. Heart disease is not an easy condition to live with, but he did it with flourish. Rio will be missed. Rest in peace little man!”

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